Is it worth using automatic background noise removal services, or should you hire a professional audio restoration specialist for the best quality?
Let's compare three audio samples and judge for ourselves.
Please listen to the audio content we have provided.
Audio content inside (as we always provide them).

It's interesting to note that more and more online services are offering automatic audio restoration as an add-on to their paid video editing services. It's advertised as free, but in the end, it always turns out that there are additional costs involved.
We tested one of them, and in this brief content, we'll present the test results. It wouldn’t be fair if we didn’t compare our work to theirs, so let’s listen to the three samples.
Which one do you think sounds best and most pleasant to the human ear?
Is the automatic one
or the one produced by our online audio cleanup service?
Please, grab your headphones for the optimal experience:
Original recording
With a lot of background noise, the voice is weak as well.
After automatic noise removal
There's a huge left-over noise, the voice is louder but still weak.
After a professional audio expert fixed it
No noise at all, and the voice sounds professional.
After listening, it's clear that the automatic solution couldn’t handle the task. There is still a lot of leftover noise, and the voice is still weak, albeit slightly louder.
After professional audio cleanup, the result is clean, with the noise gone and the voice sounding natural and full, with great low-end.
As you probably want to get it after background noise removal.
Ultimately, if you don’t need professional-sounding audio material, it might be worth using automatic services. However, for professional work, it's best to hire a professional audio restoration specialist. There are many specialists available online, so it’s not difficult to find one.
What do you think? Please share your thoughts below.
Audio Cleaning Online
Richard Toth
Update 1.)
Just a quick note: We receive a lot of audio files every day that AI isn't able to handle. If you have this type of work, please send us the original,
unedited and unprocessed file(s) because using audio services based on Artificial Intelligence can potentially cause irreversible damage to the sound. This can also happen if people don’t fully
understand what they are doing with the files. It's not their fault; it's due to the complex nature of sound restoration. Thank you!
Write a comment
Andrea Cesaro (Saturday, 29 May 2021 17:10)
Hi Richard,
I have some mp3 files, taken from a video, that I need to fix.
Probably due to the wifi microphone, in some places the audio appears louder (and with a strange background echo, as appear immediately, at the beginning), and in some places it appears lower (normal).
Is it possible to fix them? About 5 minutes each one.
If so (which I hope), I'll have to arrange 6 audio files (roughly the same length as the attached audio). How much does it cost?
Thank you.
Audio Cleaning Online (Saturday, 29 May 2021 20:20)
Hi Andrea,
If you read this, I don't have any contact to you, so let me suggest to send us one of your (original!) files for a free review in order to see if it can be fixed.
Thank you,
mark adams (Wednesday, 09 November 2022 01:12)
We have several tapes that we need to get amplified and cleaned up. If we send over one can you look at one 30 second portion and see if it can be done?
Audio Cleaning Online (Thursday, 15 December 2022 23:43)
Hi Mark,
Sorry for the belated reply. If you're still interested, please send us one of your files through the main page of this website.
Tapes can be improved significantly for sure.
Thank you,